Cleaning rods
Cleaning rods

Cleaning Rods

A cleaning rod is the most important tool for gun care. Thatʹts why Ballistol leaves nothing to be desired. Both the handgun rod and rifle cleaning rod are available in two versions:

In addition to these classic cleaning rods, we also offer the following versions for manual barrel cleaning:

You can also find all cleaning attachments here, such as felt holders, bronze brushes, bristle brushes, tow holders, patch holders, cartridge chamber brushes, etc. And, of course, all the necessary adapters for using Ballistol tools on cleaning rods from other manufacturers and vice versa.

Ballistolʹts special feature: Sustainability through interchangeable handles

If you purchase a Ballistol cleaning rod, you will receive the cleaning rod separately. You donʹtt have to buy the handle again for all your cleaning rods &ndsh; it fits all Ballistol cleaning rods.