Nail Oil Pen of aluminum + Nail Oil Neo Ballistol care oil

Nail Oil Pen of aluminum + Nail Oil Neo Ballistol care oil

Nail Oil Pen of aluminum + Nail Oil Neo Ballistol 50 ml in a bundle for an affordable total price.

Description of the Nail Oil Pen

The Nail Oil Pen is refillable again and again. 50 ml of the proven Nail Oil Neo Ballistol reaches for 10 refills.

The Oil Pen of aluminum dispense small quantities of oil finely dosed. Therefore you can apply your nail oil drop by drop on your nails. So you have a robust and always refillable Nail Oil Pen.

The operation of the Oil Pen is very simple. You can fill up 5 ml of the oil. Push the button like at a pen and the nail oil will release drop by drop. The Oil Pen is also ideal to use on the way, because it is always clean and dry. The aluminum construction of the Nail Oil Pen contains a generous reservoir and a convenient pocket clip.

Neo Ballistol nail oilShort Description of the Nail Oil:

In the following description, the properties are mainly described for nail care, manicure and pedicure. Neo Ballistol can do even more. Here you can find all other areas of application of Neo Ballistol oil.

Neo Ballistol for nail careNeo Ballistol for nail care:
Because of its composition and careful manufacture Neo Ballistol is an ideal Nail Oil for nail care. For brittle nails simply apply Neo Ballistol Nail Oil and massage in until the oil is complete absorbed. Fingernails and toenails become stability and a beautiful appearance. With Neo Ballistol, the fingernails and toenails remain naturally elastic, don’t become rough and do not embrittle. Therefore Neo Ballistol avoids nail breakage. If you apply Neo Ballistol Nail Oil regularly, you avoid the ingrown of the nails. Neo Ballistol Nail Oil also acts preventively against nail fungus.

Neo Ballistol for manicure and pedicureNeo Ballistol for manicure and pedicure:
Neo Ballistol oil is suitable for the entire manicure and pedicure. When working in the work-shop, and wherever the hands are particularly claimed, Neo Ballistol care oil is proved for skin and care. For rough work Neo Ballistol also acts as a protective liquid glove. Skin that’s treated before the work remains protected and does not embrittle. Moreover, hands are easily to clean after work and without wash-paste or brush. Brittle, dry skin becomes soft and elastic again and rhagades disappear cornea is formed back by regular application. Itching of skin will significantly reduced by massage with Neo Ballistol oil.

Rub your feet with Neo Ballistol care oil before jogging or skiing. Neo Ballistol keeps the foot smoothly in running and prevents the formation of blisters.

body careNeo Ballistol oil for cosmetics:
You can use Neo Ballistol care oil also for removing your make-up. Due to its cooling / warm-effect the skin is revitalized and makeup clogged pores are free again. The strained facial skin has time to regenerate. Do not use for eye make-up, Neo Ballistol care oil cause a slight burn in the eye.

Nailoil pen of aluminumHere you get the Nail Oil Pen separate.

Nailoil pen of aluminum with funnelHere you get the bundle with a fitting funnel.

Calculate yourself how much money you can safe if you don’t buy one way nail oil pens anymore.

Home PharmacyNeo Ballistol is also a component of the 54-part Home Pharmacy and also of the Travel Pharmacy Kit.

Nail Oil Pen of aluminum + Nail Oil Neo Ballistol 50 ml in a bundle for an affordable total price.

Details zur ProduktsicherheitVerantwortlicher Wirtschaftsakteur gemäß EU-Verordnung:

Artikel: 26230
F.W. Klever GmbH
Hauptstraße 20

Artikel: SOPOS1
Sommerhoff GmbH
In der Loh 36c
40668 Meerbusch

    • Leonie wrote on 22.02.2020
    • Das Öl fühlt sich gut an, wird sehr genau dosiert und zieht schnell ein. Bin froh damit.
    • Sabine wrote on 11.06.2019
    • Mein erster Eindruck nach einer Woche ist gut....meine Nagelhaut ist aber nach wie vor … read more
    • Jörg F. wrote on 24.07.2017
    • Hilft auch gegen trockene, rissige Nagelhaut!
    • Monika W. wrote on 21.02.2017
    • Schon nach wenigen Tagen täglicher Verwendung sind meine Fingernägel stabiler … read more
    • Elfriede K. wrote on 18.02.2017
    • Sehr schnelle Lieferung alles bestens. Neo Ballistol ist super!!!!!!!!
    • Hans B. wrote on 06.12.2016
    • Mit dem Öl-Stift kann man sehr präzise und sparsam arbeiten
    • Hans t. S. wrote on 26.04.2016
    • Ich verwende Neo Ballistol um Hornhaut und Nagelbruch zu beseitigen. Die Lieferung war sehr schnell.
    • Wolfgang R. wrote on 14.09.2015
    • Endlich etwas das bei meiner Psoriasis hilft.
    • Marianne G. wrote on 23.06.2015
    • Das Neo Balistol ist sehr empfehlenswert. Jeder müßte es zu Hause haben, weil … read more
    • Hubert M. wrote on 23.06.2015
    • Der Öl-Stift ist eine Tolle Erfindung ! Und Ballistol hat mein Urgroßvater … read more
    • Leonie wrote on 22.02.2020
    • Das Öl fühlt sich gut an, wird sehr genau dosiert und zieht schnell ein. Bin froh damit.
    • Sabine wrote on 11.06.2019
    • Mein erster Eindruck nach einer Woche ist gut....meine Nagelhaut ist aber nach wie vor … read more

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