Sweat blankets horse blanket

  • Manufacturer: Ballistol
  • Immediately ready for shipping
    Delivery time 1 - 3 days inside Germany (further)
    • for deliveries abroad to the EU, Switzerland (CH) or Luxembourg (LU) within 3 - 5 days
    • for all other foreign deliveries within 7 - 14 days

    • 145 cm
    • 69,90 EUR*
    • Product No.: 29738 / EAN: 4017777297386
    • 155 cm
    • 69,90 EUR*
    • Product No.: 29739 / EAN: 4017777297393
    • 125 cm
    • 69,90 EUR*
    • Product No.: 29737 / EAN: 4017777297379
    • available soon
*incl. 19% Tax excl. Shipping costs
Sweat blankets horse blanket

Sweat blankets horse blanket

For all Ballistol pet care fans. Ballistol fleece horse blanket dark blue. The sweat blankets are embroidered with the Ballistol logo.


  • 125 cm (back lengt)
  • 145 cm (back lengt)
  • 155 cm (back lengt)

Material: 100% polyester washable at 30°C.

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