Information about Ballistol
On this page we publish special issues that are much discussed in the context of Ballistol. We hope to be able to explain about the properties of the universal oil this way. Missing an issue Contact us or read the Ballistol-Story for still more about the unique oil. You can also find testimonials from clients of the past 120 years.
Can Ballistol resinify?
Short and simple: NO! Ballistol cannot resinify because of its composition. Read here why that is so, why can even remove resin and why Ballistol can not resinify.
(only in german)
What is medical-grade white oil?
White oil in its purest form, the so-called paraffinum liquidum, is the basis for many medicinal oils. Completely odorless, biodegradable and approved for medical purposes, it is an universally applicable oil. This purest form of white oil is also the basis of Ballistol. Here you find more about white oil.
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Ballistol Video
The video shows examples of usuage of Ballistol on car, motorcycle, in the kitchen, at the horse farm and many other applications. Here you can view the Ballistol-Video.
The Ballistol Story contains a lot of information from the invention of the universal oil up to examples of application possibilities and lots of some very entertaining customer reports of the last 120 years. You will find the Ballistol-Story.
Differences in oils
Neutral oil, alkaline oil, penetrating oil, etc. What do these terms mean and what distinguishes oils can be read under differences in oils.
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Restore a Zippo with Ballistol
A rusty Zippo lighter, which was found at the Luegstein sea in Bavaria, has been awakened back to life only with use of Ballistol and a rag. You can find pictures of this little project and a description of the procedure under restore a Zippo with Ballistol.
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Corrosion and Corrosion Protection
Rust, oxidize, corrode. What does corrosion mean, what causes it and how to prevent corrosion.
Ecological aspects of Ballistol
Aphid control with Ballistol - does it work? Yes! Ballistol is completely biodegradable and can be used in the garden as safe as in the kitchen and in the bathroom and for body care. Here you find more about the ecological aspects of Ballistol.
(only in german)
The history of Ballistol
For about 120 years there is now Ballistol. As it was invented, for what it was intended and why it is so versatile? These and other questions are answered under the History of Ballistol.
Ballistol and brass
About Ballistol and brass is much discussed. Often there are misunderstandings. Briefly: Ballistol cleans brass outstanding. But brass parts cannot be preserved in Ballistol. Here you can read more about Ballistol and brass.
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The Durability of Ballistol
Amazing stories about Ballistol bottles that are found back after decades, rifles, preserves a quarter of a century with Ballistol were stored in the basement and what happened after that, can be read under Durability of Ballistol.
(only in german)
Ballistol as gun oil
Almost everyone who knows Ballistol considers it as a gun oil. This is not wrong. The universal oil is for many reasons throughout excellent for gun care. But it can much more. Because its reputation as an oil for more than 1000 purposes does not just happen. Here you can read more about Ballistol as gun oil.
(only in german)
Tropicalized insect protection Ballistol Stichfrei
In addition to the universal oil now around 100 quality products Made In Germany are manufactured and offered under the name Ballistol. Including the very popular and often successfully tested Ballistol Stichfrei - the tropicalized insect repellent, which is now available in a special version for infants and even in one for pets and farm animals. Here you will find all information about mosquito protection.
Mosquito protection tested in Africa
Review from the Riverboat Doctors International Association. Read an impressive report on the use of Stichfrei insect protection in Africa.
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Mosquitoes and ticks
In Germany mosquitoes and ticks are the main problem with insect protection. How do you protect yourself from these insects and which diseases can be transmitted, you will read under protection against Mosquitoes and ticks.
(only in german)
Agents against ticks
Which agents should you use to protect against ticks? Tick protection is becoming increasingly important. Because ticks transmit dangerous diseases now not only in so-called high-risk areas. Read here which agents help against ticks.
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Gift Ideas
The best gifts may not be bought. The second best gifts are those that can really use the presentee as well. We have compiled strictly according to this criterion the best gift ideas.
Usage of pepper spray
Who is allowed to use pepper spray, who can buy it and how does pepper spray act? Answers to these and other questions can be found under usage of pepper spray.
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Usage of CS-defense spray
What is CS-defense spray, who is allowed when and where to buy such defense sprays and use and how work these defense sprays? Answers to these and other questions can be found under the use of CS-defense spray.
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Gun Care Guide
Why gun care is important, how you proceed and how to store clean guns - this and much more you will find on Gun Care Guide.
Bicycle Care - the most important tips
For expensive bicycles, as they are now the rule, the care is worthwhile to extend the durability. But not every cyclist wants to work long and hard for cleaning and maintenance of bicycles. Therefore, we have compiled the most important bicycle care tips here.
(only in german)
Maintain musical instruments with Ballistol
Why so many musicians use Ballistol for their guitars and other stringed instruments, for pianos as well as for brass instruments and wooden flutes and what Ballistol do with this instruments you will read under maintain musical instruments with Ballistol.
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The Vaseline-Story
An exciting story about the pioneering spirit of Robert Chesebrough and his struggle to market his discovery, which was fought i.a. with painful self-experiments and ingenious ideas: The Vaseline Story.
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The Ballistol Store in Meerbusch
The Ballistol-Store in Meerbusch offers the entire range of Ballistol under one umbrella. All customers who do not live near Dusseldorf, Krefeld or Duisburg are supplied from there twice a day by prompt dispatch. Address, directions, opening times etc. can be found under Ballistol Store.
Packaging pollute the environment
More and more purchases are handled via mail order. Packaging and packing material are not without problems. What every mail order company and each private household can do with no effort to reduce the environmental load can be found under Packaging Material and environment.
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Brochures, catalogues and flyer for the Ballistol products
There are also product flyer with specific information about many products. All catalogues, brochures and flyers we have provided to you as a PDF file. Here you will find an overview of all Ballistol-Brochures.
Lubricants from Ballistol
Because Ballistol meanwhile offers the complete range of lubricants from Universal Oil up to special oil, we give you a structured overview of all lubricants from Ballistol.
(only in german)
Special offers of the month
In the Ballistol-Shop we offer every month seasonally suitable products for a special price. It is worth to look up each month under Special Offer of the Month.